The HPNA Research Scholars Program supports funding for HPNA members to participate in the annual Kathleen Foley Palliative Care Retreat and Research Symposium.
The goal of the retreat is to advance the scientific endeavors of those who are or will become independent investigators actively involved in palliative care research. Attendees will develop their individual works in progress and improve upon specific competencies and core methodologies essential to conducting palliative care research.
The meeting format includes didactic lectures, small group discussions by topic, mock study sections, poster presentations, and networking opportunities.
The retreat is held in different locations each year. Participating in the retreat are AAHPM Research Scholars, recipients of the National Palliative Care Research Center Pilot/Exploratory Grants and Career Development Awards, and recipients of the American Cancer Society Palliative Care Pilot/Exploratory Grant Awards.
This event is presented by the National Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC), and co-sponsored by HPNA, the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM), and the American Cancer Society (ACS).
Applications have closed for 2024. The 2025 application will be available in the first quarter of 2025.
Criteria for Becoming an HPNA Research Scholar
The HPNA Research Scholars Program is intended for individuals who are or will soon be applying for federal awards (e.g., K award) or research funding awards (e.g., R01, R03, or R21).
Doctoral students will be expected to have an approved dissertation proposal.
Priority will be given to applicants who have a demonstrated commitment to an independent palliative care research career in either a full or part-time academic appointment. In the event of multiple equally qualified applicants, priority will be given to HPNA members with a history of service to the organization.
Previous recipients of the HPNA Scholar, AAHPM Scholars Program, the NPCRC Pilot/Exploratory Grants and Career Development Awards, or ACS Palliative Care Pilot/Exploratory Grant Awards are not eligible3 for funding as an HPNA Research Scholar.
The successful applicant will be:
nearly finished or have completed formal research training (e.g., research fellowship and/or doctoral degree),
a regular or student HPNA member for at least one calendar year,
currently conducting research in palliative care,
have an identified research mentor, and
have research papers on palliative or end-of-life issues published or in press, preferably with at least one as first author.
Submission Instructions
A completed application form and required supporting documents should be submitted together, preferably as one PDF document attached to an email, to Heather Coats at (subject line: Research Scholars Application).
New Research Scholar applications should submit one PDF document, bookmarked in the following order:
Completed application form
Brief, 2-page description of a current or planned research project, including topic, study questions, methodologies, populations, and future directions
Multiple peer reviewers will rate each application to the Research Scholars Program by indicating their agreement with each of the following statements:
The applicant is very likely to make an important contribution to our field
The applicant is very likely to benefit from attending the retreat
The applicant has had adequate training in research
The applicant has a qualified and well-matched mentor
The applicant’s research area is very important to palliative care
The applicant has a promising publication track record
There is evidence that the applicant is well positioned to apply for external funding
HPNA Research Scholar Recipients
Returning scholars research listed under their first year as a scholar.
Elizabeth Broden, PhD, RN, CCRN, CHPPN “Building a Shared Understanding of Children’s End-of-Life Suffering Among Parents and Nurses”
Komal Patel Murali, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC “Designing a Health Equity-Focused Hospice Care Transitions Interventions in Home Healthcare for People Living with Dementia”
Shena Gazaway PhD, RN “Exploring the Acceptability of a Stakeholder-Enhanced Intervention to Improve Palliative Decision Partnership of Chronic Kidney Disease Dyads”
Melissa Mazor, PhD, MS, RN “The Development and Evaluation of ACCESS: A Community-Care Model to Enhance Supportive and Palliative Care Services for Black Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer”
Ra chel Wells, PhD, RN
Na-Ching Chi, PhD, RN “Multimorbidity in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Association with Pain Symptomology and Health Care Utilization in End-of-Life Care: A Big Data Approach”
Katherine Doyon, PhD, M.Ed, RN, CHPN® “Communication Intervention to Help Nurses with African American Patients and Family Caregivers by Integrating Spirituality and Culture into Palliative Care”
Rachel Wells, PhD, RN “Innovative Multiphase Optimization Strategy strategies to refine UPHOLDS (Utilizing Palliative Care for Heart Failure Optimized using Lay Navigators to Decrease Suffering) intervention components”
Daniel David PhD, RN “PC-CRAFT (Palliative Care: Connecting Residents of Assisted Living and Family through Telehealth): An intervention to support palliative care communication between assisted living residents, caregivers, and providers”
Tamryn Gray PhD, RN, CNL-BC “Instrument and intervention development to prepare and support family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer”
Shelli Feder PhD, FNP-BC, APRN, ACHPN® “Identifying factors associated with high-quality end-of-life care among veterans with heart failure in the Veterans Health Administration”
Jackelyn Boyden, MS, MPH, RN. “Utilize choice-based methods and cognitive interviewing to develop a parent-reported outcomes instrument for home-based pediatric palliative care.”
Kristin Corey, PhD, RN, AGPCNP-BC. “Expanding our understanding of the post-caregiving experiences of different profiles of former dementia caregivers.”
Mary Issacson, PhD, RN, CHPN®. “Working with Native American population to develop culturally relevant palliative and end-of-life care interventions.”
Yasemin Turkmin, PhD, MPH, PMHNP. (2017-18)
Masako Mayahara, PhD, RN, FPCN. “Developing a digital pain diary application for hospice patients and their caregivers.”
Rafael Romo, PhD, RN, PHN. (2016-17)
Jiayun Xu, PhD, RN. “The needs of employed caregivers of advanced cancer patients.”
Yasemin Turkmin, PhD, MPH, PMHNP. “Detecting the differences in PC use and outcomes between older AAs and Caucasians with high-risk cancers in the Southeast.”
Joan G. Carpenter, MN, CRNP, NP-C, GNP-BC, ACHPN®, PhD. (2015-16)
Rafael Romo, PhD, RN, PHN. “Decision-making processes used among older adults with mild cognitive impairment.”
Esther R. Smith-Howell, PhD, RN. “End-of-life care disparities among African Americans and their families.”
Joan G. Carpenter, MN, CRNP, NP-C, GNP-BC, ACHPN®, PhD. “Continuity of palliative care after hospital discharge to nursing home.”
Christine Fortney, PhD, RN. “Infant symptoms in the NICU effect on parent stress, coping, and decision-making.”
Hyejin Kim, PhD-c, CRNP. “Surrogate decision-makers’ experiences of POLST discussions in the nursing home.”
Judith Adams, PhD, MSN, RN, FNP. “Improving communication between ICU staff nurses and family members of seriously ill patients.”
Stewart Bond, PhD, RN, AOCN. “Delirium in advanced cancer patients, particularly those in the outpatient or home setting.”
J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, PhD, RN. (2013-14)
Jennifer Seaman, BSN, RN. “Ways to integrate palliative care principles in critical care nursing practice.”
Caitlin Brennan, PhD, APRN. “Measuring patient acuity in the palliative care setting.”
J. Nicholas Dionne-Odom, PhD, RN. “Surrogate decision-making at the end of life.”
Jay R. Horton, PhD, ACHPN®, FNP-BC. (2012-13)
Joy Buck, PhD, RN. “Intersection of formal and informal care in complex chronic illness.”
Jay R. Horton, PhD, ACHPN®, FNP-BC. “Association of treatment intensity and palliative care services.”
Susan Lysaght Hurley, PhD, GNP-BC, ACHPN®. (2011-12)
Ab Brody, RN, PhD, GNP-BC. (2010-11)
Joy Goebel, PhD, RN. “Structures and processes of care, interdisciplinary collaboration.”
Susan Lysaght Hurley, PhD, GNP-BC, ACHPN®. “The experience of older adults as they negotiate hospice care.”
Denice Sheehan, PhD, RN. “Adolescents with a parent near the end of life.”