HPNF has collaborated with Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) to offer a research grant in the amount of $10,000. The goal of this grant is to encourage qualified nurse contribution to the advancement of nursing care through research.
Proposals for pilot and/or developmental research may be submitted for the grant.
For details about this collaborative grant, including application submission, visit the STTI website.
Sigma Foundation for Nursing/HPNF End-of-Life Nursing Care Research Grant Recipients
Megan C. Thomas Hebdon, PhD, DNP, RN, NP-c . ““A Dual Role: Nurses as Family Caregivers”
Marlena Fisher, MSN, BSN. “Informal Advance Care Planning With Family in Blacks on Dialysis”
Carrie Henry, MSN. “Relationships Among Strong Black Womanhood Belief, Coping Behaviors, Social Support, and Psychological Distress for Black Mothers After Stillbirth”
Elisa Conant Tarbi, MSN, BSN. “Beyond Prognosis Communication: Exploring the Existential Dimensions of Palliative Care Conversations with Adults with Advanced Cancer”
Dr. Susan Thrane, PhD, MSN, RN, CHPN®. “Teaching Caregivers of Hospice Patients to Administer Reiki for Symptom Management and Caregiver Self-Care: A feasibility Pilot Study”
Dr. Jessica Rearden, PhD. “Burdensome Transitions at End-of-Life for Older Adults with Cancer”
Dr. Kavita Radhakrishman, PhD. “Advanced Care Planning Behaviors of South Asian Indian-Americans”
Dr. Maureen Metzger, PhD, RN. “A Randomized Controlled Trial of SPIRIT-HF: An Intervention to Prepare LVAD Patients and Their Surrogates for End-of-Life Decision-Making”
Dr. Susan Lowey, PhD, RN, CHPN® (USA). “Factors that Influence Care Transitions of End-Stage Heart Failure Patients to Palliative Home Care.”
Dr. Stephanie H. Gilbertson-White, PhD, RN. “A Biobehavioral Approach to Studying the Meaning of Symptoms in Patients with Advanced Cancer.”
Dr. Carol L. Pavlish, PhD (USA). “Screening and Early Interventions for Ethical Conflicts at the End of Life: Strengthening Nurses’ Voices.”
Charlotte Wool, MSN, RN, CPCE. “Perinatal Palliative Care: Assessment of Clinician Attitudes and Practice Barriers.”
Dr. Ann Marie Dose, PhD, RN, ACNS-BC. “Transition from the Hospital to Home Hospice: The No-Care Zone.”
Dr. Amy Calvin, PhD, RN. “Understanding of Advance Care Planning by Family Members of Persons Undergoing Hemodialysis.”
Sanghee Kim, RN, MSN. “The Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Nurses’ Ethical Decision Making Regarding End-of-Life (NEDM-EOL) Scale in Korea.”
Dr. Debra Wiegand, PhD, MBE, RN, CCRN, FAAN. “Withdrawal of Life Sustaining Therapy After a Life-Threatening Exacerbation of a Chronic Illness: The Family Experience.”
Mary Judy Campbell, MSN, BSN. “Influence of Health Literacy and Attitudes on Completion of Advance Directives Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults.”
Dr. Sarah A. Wilson, PhD, RN. “Family Caregivers of Hospice Patients with Heart Failure.”