Nursing Community Coalition Issues Statement on Appropriations Bill

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In July, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Health advanced a Fiscal Year 2025 Labor-HHS Appropriations bill that included significant cuts to programs that impact nurses, specifically, an $18 million decrease from FY 2024 levels for Title VIII Nursing Workforce Development Programs and a reorganization of the National Institutes of Health that would consolidate the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) into a new National Institute on Health Sciences Research. HPNA continues to work with coalition partners to ensure that these concerning provisions are not included in the final bill.

HPNA is a member of the Nursing Community Coalition (NCC), which issued this statement on the appropriations bill. Additionally, HPNA has signed an NCC letter reiterating our appropriations request of $530 million for Title VIII programs, and $210 million for NINR. HPNA also previously submitted a request to both appropriations committees for $12.5 million for the National Institutes of Aging for the trans-institute, multi-disease Consortium for Palliative Care Research Across the Lifespan.