The SJE is a required component of the recertification process for the ACHPN® and CHPN® certificant. It uses a series of case-based scenarios to test critical reasoning and clinical application of content beyond the level of the initial certification exam. The SJE provides an in-depth assessment of the approach taken by the ACHPN® and CHPN® to handle the complexity of real-life clinical situations. In addition to assessment and treatment decision-making, it tests ethical and professional topics like team building, communication, public policy and research. 

You may complete the SJE at any time during your four-year certification period; however, it is recommended that you complete it at least 30 days prior to the expiration of your certification. The SJE is an open-source exercise and can be done individually or with others in a group. Please note: It will take at least a single business day before the results of your SJE will be reflected in your learning plan.
While you complete the recertification process through the LearningBuilder platform, the SJE is available through PSI. Authorized test takers will have a PSI account created on their behalf using the email address on record with HPCC. If your email address has changed and does not match what is on file, you will not be able to purchase the SJE. Please contact HPCC for temporary log-in credentials and instructions on how to update your email address on file. For assistance accessing the SJE, please call PSI at 913-895-4828 or email

Frequently Asked Questions

Purchase the SJE

Authorized test takers have had an account created on their behalf. Please read and follow the sign-on instructions. If you previously logged in with a password, that password will no longer work. Please use the temporary password found in the sign-on instructions below.

Sign-On Instructions

HPCC certificants may only purchase the SJE for which they are authorized and must use the email address on file with HPCC.
