The SJE is a required component of the recertification process for the ACHPN® and CHPN® certificant. It uses a series of case-based scenarios to test critical reasoning and clinical application of content beyond the level of the initial certification exam. The SJE provides an in-depth assessment of the approach taken by the ACHPN® and CHPN® to handle the complexity of real-life clinical situations. In addition to assessment and treatment decision-making, it tests ethical and professional topics like team building, communication, public policy and research.
You may complete the SJE at any time during your four-year certification period; however, it is recommended that you complete it at least 30 days prior to the expiration of your certification. The SJE is an open-source exercise and can be done individually or with others in a group.Please note: It will take at least a single business day before the results of your SJE will be reflected in your learning plan.
While you complete the recertification process through the LearningBuilder platform, the SJE is available through PSI. Authorized test takers will have a PSI account created on their behalf using the email address on record with HPCC. If your email address has changed and does not match what is on file, you will not be able to purchase the SJE. Please contact HPCC for temporary log-in credentials and instructions on how to update your email address on file. For assistance accessing the SJE, please call PSI at 913-895-4828 or email
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the SJE?
The SJE is designed to offer the certificant an opportunity to experience a realistic situation that could be encountered in practice. The SJE provides a written clinical scenario where the certificant is asked to demonstrate critical reasoning and clinical application of content beyond the initial certification exam that allows for an in-depth assessment of the certificants approach to handling the complexity of situations without providing any risk to the public.
How much does the SJE cost?
You will purchase the $60 SJE through PSI (applicable state taxes may apply), and the remaining balance for recertification will be paid through LearningBuilder when you submit your HPAR application.
What is the purpose of the SJE?
The purpose of the SJE is to test more complex situations and allow the certificant to provide an assessment of higher-order thinking related to a content area. Certificants must determine what information is important to gather and make decisions based on that information.
What is the rationale for the SJE?
The rationale behind the SJE is to make recertification more meaningful and allow for the testing of complex clinical situations that are more difficult to get into in a typical multiple-choice exam. The SJE is being used by other health professionals and specialties and is also an important part of the continuing competence process. The SJE allows the certificant to compare their current knowledge, skills, and abilities to entry-level practice and for HPCC to assure that certified hospice and palliative APRNs and RNs have improved and grown their practice over the four-year certification period.
What is the structure of the SJE?
Information gathering (IG) sections
Decision-making (DM) sections (single or multiple DM)
Problems normally contain two DM and approximately five DM sections
How does scoring work?
All choices are weighted (+2 to -2; and 0 weights are possible)
+2: Of central importance for appropriate management of the situation – omission would result in serious damage to the client/patient in terms of cost, time, pain, risk of morbidity, and/or mortality.
+1: Facilitative of good client/patient care.
0: Does not contribute to resolving the situation, but does not cause any harm in terms of cost, time, pain, risk of morbidity, and/or mortality; and/or may be a controversial option. Options are generally not designated by the author as 0 weight, rather, pretesting the scenarios can lead to a decision to change a positive or negative weight to 0.
-1: Detrimental to handling the situation.
-2: Gravely damaging to appropriate management of the situation, possibly resulting in serious damage to the client/patient or the public in terms of cost, time, pain, risk of morbidity, and/or mortality.
Passing scores are related to the judgment of Minimum Pass Levels (MPL) – that is, minimal competence
Each IG and DM section has a different MPL
Each problem has totals for IG and DM
Overall score based on totals MPL for all IG and DM sections
Meet or exceed MPL scores in both IG and DM: 20 points
Meet or exceed MPL score in either IG or DM: 10 points
Do not meet MPL scores in both IG or DM: 5 points
Meet or exceed MPL scores in both IG and DM: 25 points
Meet or exceed MPL score in either IG or DM: 15 points
Do not meet MPL scores in both IG or DM: 5 points
When will my SJE score show in my learning plan?
It will take at least a single business day before the results of your SJE will be reflected in your learning plan.
Authorized test takers have had an account created on their behalf. Please read and follow the sign-on instructions. If you previously logged in with a password, that password will no longer work. Please use the temporary password found in the sign-on instructions below.