Register for the 2025 Spring Workshop with Dr. McPherson

HPNA State Ambassadors are members with experience in hospice and palliative nursing who have the desire to learn about the policy-making process at the local, state, and federal levels. These individuals serve as a general resource for HPNA members regarding legislative and regulatory issues at the state level and provide information about state/regional policy issues on a quarterly basis. HPNA State Ambassadors also disseminate information about national policy issues as directed by HPNA and encourage HPNA nurses at the state and local levels to participate in HPNA public policy activities.

Interested in becoming an HPNA State Ambassador? Complete an application today!


State Resources and Current HPNA State Ambassadors

Email HPNA Advocacy staff at for contact information for any of the HPNA State Ambassadors.

Free On-Demand Course Grassroots Guide Advocacy & Influence .5 NCPD Hours