Employer of the Year Award

This annual award is presented to an Employer Partner Program organization that has provided sustained support of their employees through education and certification.

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Private Certification Review Courses

Hold a private review course for your APRNs, RNs, or Pediatric RNs, to prepare for the HPCC certification exam.

Two certified HPNA faculty members will facilitate your course, in a virtual format. Course materials are provided + a 30-day post program window for questions.

NCPD/Pharm credits earned upon successful completion of this course.

To learn more about holding a private certification review course, email EPPartnership@hpna.org.

The HPNA Employer Partner Program was established to join forces with employers to support their nursing care teams through education and certification. Employers may participate through individual staff discounts or through an organizational participation.

Benefits of the Employer Partner Program

  • Volume discounts on HPNA and HPCC products and services
  • Employer portal – view organizational activity 24/7
  • Program activity webpage – exclusive discounts, offers, and invoice access
  • Company recognition on the HPNA website
  • Employer of the Year Award opportunity
  • Monthly newsletter with exclusive discounts and offers
  • Awards program

Volume Discounts on:

HPNA Memberships
HPCC Certification
Palliative Care Basics eLearning
Educational Resources

Traditional Membership

Traditional Membership allows your company to provide HPNA memberships, educational resources, and/or HPCC certification exams to your nursing care teams through pre-paid purchases or discounts at the time of use.

There is no initial membership fee for Traditional Membership. Initial and ongoing Traditional Membership discounts are based on the level of purchases over a 12-month period. Discounts are re-evaluated each year based on purchase amounts. Percentages are adjusted accordingly.

Traditional Membership Purchase Levels
Purchase LevelsDiscount

Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership offers various benefits, conveniently based on your nursing care team size. Corporate Membership must be pre-purchased.

Corporate Membership Purchase Levels
Members (Up To)Total CostMembership Benefits
15$1,500Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center courses
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
5% discount on all products and certifications
30$3,000Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center courses
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
7% discount on all products and certifications
50$4,000Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center courses
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
7% discount on all products and certifications
75$6,000Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center courses
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
7% discount on all products and certifications
100$8,000Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center courses
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
12% discount on all products and certifications
150*$11,250Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center courses
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
15% discount on all products and certifications
200*$15,000Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center Courses
Unlimited access to all Practice Exams
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
20% discount on all products and certifications
250*$18,750Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center Courses
Unlimited access to all Practice Exams
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
20% discount on all products and certifications
250+$21,000Palliative Care Basics
HPNA Learning Center Courses
Unlimited access to all Practice Exams
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing
Journal of Palliative Medicine (APRNs)
23% discount on all products and certifications

*Certificates and pins are mailed annually in January and July for Employer Partners with 150+ members. The HPNA Employer Partner Program team will coordinate the delivery with your company contact.

How to Apply

To apply for the Employer Partner Program, please submit:

  • A completed membership application
  • An estimated dollar amount of annual purchases of HPNA memberships, educational resources, and HPCC certification exams
Employer Partner Program Application

Organizational Participation

Organizational participation allows your company to provide HPNA memberships, educational resources, and/or HPCC certification exams to your nursing care teams through pre-paid purchases or discounts at the time of use. To receive a discount level quote for your organization, contact the HPNA Employer Partner Program Department.

Employer Partners

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