The HPNA board of directors is responsible for defining the organization’s mission and purpose, setting policy, establishing long-term goals and strategic planning, overseeing general operations, and approving organizational outcomes and allocations of resources.
President Masako Mayahara, PhD, RN, FAAN, CHPN®, FPCN®
Past President Lynn Reinke, PhD, ANP-BC, FAAN, FPCN®, ATSF
Director Nataly Bailey, AGPCNP-BC, ACHPN®
Director Tracy Fasolino, PhD, FNP-BC, ACHPN®, FPCN®
Director Jennifer Feagan, DNP, ACAGNP-BC, ACHPN®
Director Mansara Hassan, MSN, APRN, AGNP-C
HPNA Board Committees
HPNA Executive Committee
The HPNA Executive Committee consists of the president/chairperson, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, committee chairpersons (except the Governance Committee), and chief executive officer (CEO). The duty of the Executive Committee is to conduct any emergency business between regular meetings of the Board.
HPNA Finance and Audit Committee
The HPNA Finance and Audit Committee consists of the treasurer, possibly the president/chairperson depending upon the board, one or two Board members (one of whom has financial knowledge), chief financial officer, and CEO. The duty of the Finance and Audit Committee is to oversee financial planning, monitor that there are adequate funds available for financial management tasks, help the Board understand the organization’s financial health, provide objective assessment of organizational performance and areas of potential risk, and develop strategies to mitigate potential risks. The committee also participates in the annual review of the Board Manual as coordinated by the national office.
HPNA Governance Committee
The HPNA Governance Committee consists of a minimum of two to three directors (depending upon the Board) and is chaired by the immediate past-president/past-chair. The HPNA Governance Committee has two members at large, appointed by the president. The Governance Committee oversees and conducts the nominating, education, and evaluation processes of the Board. The committee is also responsible for individual and collective professional development.