Congratulations on applying for your HPCC certification exam! During the exam scheduling process, candidates will complete an initial set of contact and demographic questions for HPCC. After completion, candidates will complete an additional set of eligibility questions with HPCC’s testing vendor, PSI, and provide payment for the exam. Once eligibility is approved, candidates will be invited to schedule their examination.
Handbooks, Special Accommodations, and Rescheduling
All candidates should read and understand the Candidate Handbook prior to applying and scheduling an HPCC exam. Candidate Handbooks for each program can be downloaded from the list below.
Special Examination Accommodations
AMP complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and ensures that no disabled individual is deprived of the opportunity to take an examination solely by reason of that disability. Special examination arrangements may be made for individuals on a case-by-case basis. If you require special accommodations, please complete the Request for Special Examination Accommodations form and submit it a minimum of 45 days prior to your anticipated examination date. The information you provide and any documentation regarding your disability and your need for accommodations will be treated with strict confidentiality.
You may reschedule your examination appointment online (by clicking the Confirm or reschedule your exam button above) or by calling our Candidate Support Center. Your appointment cannot be rescheduled by email; please refer to your Candidate Handbook for specific rescheduling guidelines.
Preparing for & taking the exam
What to expect
Watch this video for an introduction to the test center. It will walk you through a typical testing experience, but please reference your candidate handbook for requirements specific to your program.
To prepare for the exam, use study guides and other reference materials, and be sure you read and understand the candidate handbook for your program. Finally, get plenty of rest before your exam.
Make sure you have eaten before the exam begins; you will not be allowed food or drink in the testing room. You will be permitted restroom breaks, but you will not be given additional time for time lost during breaks.
What to bring
You must present two forms of identification. The primary form must match the name on your eligibility email, be government-issued and current, and include your photograph.
If a calculator is allowed for the examination, make sure your calculator complies with the calculator requirements and is in working order.
Know where your testing center is located. Allow extra time for traffic, parking, and getting settled before the examination. Dress in layers so you can adapt to any room temperature. Heavy coats and hats are not allowed in the testing room.
Personal belongings
No personal belongings, including cell phones, smartphones, or other electronic devices, are allowed in the testing room. You will be asked to return them to your car or turn them to the off position and place them in a soft locker provided by the site. If your electronic device rings, vibrates, or makes any noise during the examination, you will be dismissed from testing, and no refund will be provided.
Your results
Depending on your program, you may be provided a pass/fail score report after your test. Otherwise, you will receive instructions indicating when you can expect to receive a score report. Additional instructions for after-testing may be available in the candidate handbook.
Quick Links
Testing Windows and Deadlines
- December 1 – Application Start Date
- January 15 – Paper Application Deadline
- February 15 – Online Application Deadline
- March 1 – Application Start Date
- April 15 – Paper Application Deadline
- May 15 – Online Application Deadline
- June 1 – Application Start Date
- July 15 – Paper Application Deadline
- August 15 – Online Application Deadline
- September 1 – Application Start Date
- October 15 – Paper Application Deadline
- November 15 – Online Application Deadline
Candidate Support Center
Monday – Thursday | 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. CST
Friday | 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. CST
Saturday | 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST
Phone Number
(833) 256-1422
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather on the day of your scheduled HPCC exam, please check here for test center closings.