Advancing nursing expertise in hospice and palliative care through education, advocacy, leadership, and research.
Supporting hospice and palliative research, education, and leadership development to advance expert nursing care.
Advancing expert care in serious illness through state-of-the-art certification of continuing competency in hospice and palliative care and research.
Volume Discounts
Support your nursing care teams with volume discounts on HPNA memberships, educational resources, and HPCC certification exams.
Make a Difference
Support the future of hospice and palliative care nurses as they grow their knowledge, advance their careers, and respond to the ever-evolving needs of our communities.
Become Certified
Achieving a specialty hospice and palliative care certification from HPCC validates expertise in hospice and palliative care.

Upcoming Events
Down on the Pharm: Contemporary Issues in Pharmacopalliation
Join Mary Lynn McPherson, PharmD, PhD, FAAHPM and a team of clinical experts for a pharmacology workshop, Down on the Pharm: Contemporary Issues in Pharmacopalliation.
HPNA Research Committee Consultation Hours for Scholarly Dissemination
Have you ever wondered how to present on your great scholarly work? The HPNA Research Committee would like to provide a work-in-progress (WIPS) to have a space for you and your colleagues to bring your draft abstracts, your draft poster, or your draft podium PowerPoint slides to receive feedback.
CHPN® Virtual Live Certification Review Course
This instructor-led certification review course is designed to help prepare you for the upcoming Hospice and Palliative Credentialing Center (HPCC) CHPN® Certification Exam.
ACHPN® Virtual Live Certification Review Course
This instructor-led certification review course is designed to help prepare you for the upcoming Hospice and Palliative Credentialing Center (HPCC) ACHPN® Certification Exam.

HPNA Learning Center
The HPNA Learning Center allows you to access up-to-date, convenient, and self-paced learning modules with real-time test grading and printing of your NCPD certificates.
Our courses are developed based on current health care trends, clinical issues related to care approaches for the patient and their family, and practice issues related to and in collaboration with other members of the interdisciplinary team.
Go to My CoursesLatest News
HPNA Mourns Loss of Founding Member
The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) mourns the loss of founding member Madalon O’Rawe Amenta, RN, MN, PhD. Dr. Amenta was inspired to join the hospice movement in the 1970s after having read Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ On Death and Dying. “Dr. Amenta’s unwavering dedication to hospice and palliative care inspired generations of nurses,” said HPNA President Masako Mayahara, PhD, RN, FAAN, CHPN®, FPCN®. “We are grateful for her leadership, which allowed us to grow our community to nearly 8,000 hospice and palliative care professionals. Her legacy will be honored through our mission to advance nursing expertise in hospice and palliative care through education, advocacy, leadership, and research.”
Updates on Recent Executive Actions Impacting Public Policy Priorities
In response to the unprecedented number of executive actions that have been issued in the past few months, HPNA’s advocacy team has also created a webpage with updated information on potential impacts to HPNA’s policy priorities. The webpage is regularly updated with new executive orders and status updates, and the advocacy team continues to monitor legislative, regulatory, and legal changes that may impact nursing and hospice and palliative care. Learn more
HPNA’s 2025 Policy Priorities
A new HPNA publication is available outlining our public policy priorities for 2025, which include: robust funding for nursing education and workforce funding, eliminating barriers preventing nurses from practicing at the top of their licensure and training, strengthening the Medicare hospice benefit, supporting palliative care research, and improving patient access to high-quality hospice and palliative care. Learn more
HPNA Signs on to NCC Letter Supporting Nurses PRECEPT Act
The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) joined more than 50 nursing organizations in signing on to a February 28 letter from the Nursing Community Coalition to Senator Mark Kelly (D-AZ) and Representative Jen Kiggans (R-VA), thanking them for introducing the Providing Real-World Education and Clinical Experience by Precepting Tomorrow’s (PRECEPT) Nurses Act (H.R.392/S.131).
Patient Quality of Life Coalition prioritizes NIH funding in letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee
The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) joined national partner organizations in signing on to a Patient Quality of Life Coalition (PQLC) letter to House and Senate Appropriations Committee leadership, requesting that they prioritize funding for the National Institutes of Health in Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 legislation.